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Grieving Together Winter 2025 (Partners)

Grieving Together for Those Who Have Lost Partners

with Rabbi Fryer Bodzin and Yacov Fruchter

Wednesdays afternoons, January 8, 15, 22 & 29 at 3:00 p.m.


 The loss of a loved one, at any time, is challenging. Judaism has a clear set of mourning rituals that help us relearn to be in the world after our significant loss. For many of us, these rituals have been altered or limited, just as the rest of life has been full of uncertainties. What has not changed is our desire to support you at this time, and our belief in the power of coming together as a community. We are here to provide an opportunity for you to meet, support and share—together. 


Presented by the Beth Tzedec Centre for Spiritual Well-Being

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785