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Small Groups 2023 | Wise Aging - A Year of Contemplative Inspiration

Aging can bring a rich mix of opportunities and growth, challenges and losses. Abraham Joshua Heschel said, “The [senior years] are indeed formative years, rich in possibilities… to deepen understanding and compassion, to widen the horizon of honesty, to refine the sense of fairness…”. Join us as we learn and explore how to fill these years with vitality, joy, meaning, and connectedness. Together, we will reflect on our life experiences, integrate the lessons we have learned, share our wisdom, and deepen our experiences through meditations and spiritual practices. We will be exploring topics such as our changing bodies, relationships, forgiveness and reconciliation, cultivating spiritual qualities for well-being, living with loss, and leaving a meaningful legacy.
This group will be facilitated by Dana Solnik, a registered psychotherapist and occupational therapist with experience running groups and working with seniors. Dana looks forward to creating a supportive community with you in which we can grow, discover new opportunities, and infuse our lives with meaning and joy.

Date: Tuesdays (monthly)
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Group Leader: Dana Solnik
Format: Zoom

If this group is full, please select the WAITLIST and we will contact you if a spot becomes available.
Wed, January 29 2025 29 Tevet 5785