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BT Welcome Circles for Newcomers from Ukraine
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In support of JIAS’s work in settling newcomers from Ukraine, we will be creating Beth Tzedec Welcome Circles.
Welcome Circles
are teams of 5-8 volunteers who will be matched with an individual or family unit of newcomers for a 6-month to 1 year commitment.
The goal of Welcome Circles is to provide coordinated support for newcomers and to help them feel settled and cared for.
Welcome circles may involve a variety of responsibilities depending on the needs of the newcomer(s) including:
welcoming the family at the airport
offering/securing temporary housing
helping to find long term housing
English language supports
registering children for school and other programs
social support/friendship
communication with the family’s JIAS Toronto Settlement Worker.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Neighborhood You Live in
Please list the names of other people who you are hoping to be in a Welcome Circle with
Please share any previous experience you have in working with refugees/newcomers:
Why are you interested in being involved in this initiative at this time?
What skills or experience do you have that might be helpful in supporting other families? (ex. ESL teaching experience)
Do you have any apartments/ rooms that can be used for temporary housing?
Please list the names of other people within your family that will be participating in this initiative with you. If they include children, please include their ages. This will assist us in making ideal matches.
While there is an expectation that refugees from Ukraine will be arriving shortly, the timing is unpredictable. We will be in touch for training opportunities and next steps.
By submitting this form, you are also granting us permission to share your name and contact information with JIAS Toronto for the purposes of participating in this initiative.
Please contact Yacov Fruchter
with any further questions or ideas
Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785