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High Holy Days 2021 | 5782

After too many months apart, the High Holy Days give us an opportunity to gather again in community. In-person services and experiences at Beth Tzedec are exclusively available to members in good standing.

We look forward to celebrating with you panim el panim, face-to-face.

A separate form must be completed by each member of your household who will be attending an in-person service or experience at Beth Tzedec.


Notice to all Attendees and Users of Beth Tzedec Congregation Prayer Services and Facilities

As a condition of attending and using the facilities of Beth Tzedec Congregation ("Beth Tzedec"), I assume all health risks relating to contracting COVID-19 while using the facilities of Beth Tzedec and agree that Beth Tzedec and its directors, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, sponsors and representatives shall not be liable for any illness or other consequences that may be attributed to my attendance and use of the facilities of Beth Tzedec and I hereby waive all claims against Beth Tzedec and its directors, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, sponsors and representatives with respect thereto. I further agree that the assumption of risks, agreement and waiver herein shall also apply to any minor person who attends with me and uses the facilities of Beth Tzedec.


As a condition of Beth Tzedec considering my request to attend and use the facilities of Beth Tzedec, I authorize and consent to Beth Tzedec collecting and maintaining the data or information provided by me to Beth Tzedec and I authorize and consent to Beth Tzedec providing such data or information to a public health authority or to any  other person as may be considered by Beth Tzedec to be appropriate in the circumstances and I agree that Beth Tzedec and its directors, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, sponsors and representatives shall not be liable for providing any such information or data and I hereby waive all claims against Beth Tzedec and its directors, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, sponsors and representatives with respect thereto. I further agree that this authorization, consent, agreement and waiver shall apply to any minor person in respect of whom I have provided information or data to Beth Tzedec.
As we begin reopening, a limited number of services are open to those who register and commit to complying with the health and safety protocols outlined in Beth Tzedec's Reopening Manual.

Registration to attend in-person Rosh Hashanah has been extended to Monday, August 30.

There will be no walk-ups permitted.

Vaccination Policy
To protect the health and safety of our community, we are asking all those who participate in Beth Tzedec programs and services to verify their COVID-19 vaccination status.
  • No one 18 years or older will be permitted to enter the Beth Tzedec building or grounds without first verifying that they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 at least 14 days prior to entry with a vaccine approved by Health Canada.
  • Children and teens aged 12 to 17 (or an adult on behalf of such a person), must verify that they have received at least one vaccine for COVID-19 approved by Health Canada at least 14 days prior to entry.
  • Children under the age of 12 are not required to verify their vaccine status.
In the event that someone cannot provide the requisite verification that they have been fully vaccinated, they must provide evidence that they tested negative for COVID-19 in the 72-hour period before seeking entry to the synagogue grounds. This does not apply to children under the age of 12.
Excellent! You only need to verify your vaccination status once, so you're good to go. 

If you are vaccinated as per Beth Tzedec's vaccination policy, please be sure to verify your vaccination here>> so that we can confirm your registration.

You will need to provide evidence that you've tested negative for COVID-19 in the 72-hour period before seeking entry to the synagogue grounds. Please present your negative test results to the screener waiting at the parking lot entrance.

Safe Physical Distancing
Everyone on the grounds of Beth Tzedec should follow physical distancing best practices as outlined in Beth Tzedec's Reopening Manual. This includes limiting hugging, kissing and hand holding to those in your personal "bubble".
In compliance with City of Toronto By-Law 541-2020, all those within the building are required to bring and wear a mask or face covering that covers your nose, mouth and chin, without gapping.

In addition, all attendees of outdoor minyanim will be required to wear a mask while on the Beth Tzedec grounds.

Entering and Exiting the Building
To minimize socializing in the building, we will open the doors 30 minutes before this program. We ask that attendees leave the building as soon as possible following services.
Attendees will be limited to the marked and available seats.

There can be no sharing, kissing or touching of ritual objects, and all attendees must bring their own kippah, tallit and/or tefillin, as appropriate.
Please remember that Beth Tzedec is a fragrance-free facility. We ask all members and guests to refrain from wearing fragrant lotions, soaps, perfumes and other personal-care items.

Attendees who do not follow the procedures described above will be asked to leave the grounds and may not be permitted to re-enter until further notice.

Register for HHD Experiences

Unfortunately, you are not eligible to attend in-person High Holy Day celebrations at Beth Tzedec Congregation. Thank you for your interest. We hope that you decide to join us online!

If you have further questions, please contact Karen Goldstein at

Please note that all parents and children must be individually registered.

Please enter the name and contact information of the adult who will be accompanying this registrant.
We will do our best to group families and households together. If you are registering with other members of your personal bubble, please note that they must each complete their own registration form. 
Sun, February 23 2025 25 Shevat 5785